Discover awesome facts about Indian brides

Today, we are going to talk about the facts concerning Indian mail order brides – in a sense what can be good for you if you meet and marry one of them. Besides interesting things about cuisine, traditions, habits, advancements, and other things, we are going to consider the sexual life of best Indian brides – as this is of high importance for any man. At least, a healthy in all relations man, who is prone to have a delicious meal after the working day, a massage and wonderful night of lust in a clean and groomed house, with cozy smells and things. This is not a utopia, this is something that can become a blatant reality for men from the West – even for those who are still in doubt that hot Indian women met online can be of any good.
Interesting facts good to know about beautiful Indian women
- People in India are hard-working. They are born in a poor and terribly over-populated country that huddles on a relatively small piece of land (compared to the surface of the planet). The biggest density of the population is only in Pakistan. So, they should work hard to make for a living – every day. A lot of Indians got used to working without days off for the goodness of their families – so no wonder that your Indian mail order bride is definitely a profitable wife, which can carry the entire range of house chores on her shoulders. These can be cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishwashing, gardening, taking care of children, and similar stuff – just because she can and knows how. Certainly, the richer your Indian mail order single woman is (and from the higher caste she originates), the lesser it is probable that she will work in your house like a maid. So take into account the issue of the caste (which is acute in India today).
- There is no such language as ‘Indian’ in India. There are 12 main of them and they are spoken depending on the class of a person:
- Urdu
- Sindhi
- Rajasthani
- Punjabi
- Odia
- Marathi
- Maithili
- Kashmiri
- Hindi
- Gujarati
- Bengali
- Assamese
Some people speaking these languages know English, some don’t. Some hot Indian brides may know more than 1 of the mentioned above. So, when speaking with your future wife from India, do not say that she speaks ‘Indian’ or that this ‘Indian is a beautiful language’ in order not to make her offended.
3. People in India blame their government for any reason (even if it is not connected to the government directly). This can be a long queue for anything, the bad smell on the street, traffic, dirt on the road, the lack of money in a family. So you will have to get used to the fact that your future Indian mail order bride is also going to blame the government in your country. And if you don’t want any trouble with that, you have to speak to her about this small little issue (to at least make her do that not in front of people).
How an Indian wife profitable to you
- The reason for the popularity of Indian movies inside of the country is that all Indians love to watch them, talk about, and engage in gossips and pieces of advice. Get prepared for the fact that your Indian mail order bride is going to watch a lot of soaps and will tell you many intricacies and details from them to you. Also, you will definitely know all the surrounding rumors and gossips. But that her desire to talk a lot may actually be a powerful trigger to make her learn English better (if she isn’t a good speaker by now) – to talk with you and your future mutual children.
- There is no much privacy in India. So the meaning and essence of personal space in your family with an Indian mail order bride can be not something you got used to. She will need much intimacy with you and will not give too much space to you even in the moments when you logically wanna be alone (like bursting into a toilet when you are there doing your things). This can make you closer to her as well as can spoil your relations.
- Any Indian mail order bride is very helpful naturally just because she is living with many other people around. As you now know that not too much personal space is in India, being around some other people is natural and would never stop. Even now as she is with you on a territory much lesser populated than she got used to means that she would seek other people to communicate with and help them in everyday life.
More exciting facts about Indian brides
- Material things matter to her so much. Not because she is a gold-digger. But because it is important for modern Indians – they just cherish material because it is important for having a better life and for life as such. Without material, there is poverty – too many citizens of India live in poverty. So they all try to run as far away from it as possible. Up to showing up their richness (even if they don’t have it) to make poverty omit them on a mystical level. That is one of the reasons why sexy Indian women wear so much gold and silver on their bodies every day.
- An Indian mail order bride likes to please because she grew in a society, in which it is very hard to say ‘No’. To a friend, a colleague, or even to a stranger, she can promise a lot – even more than she can deliver, really. But with you, as her husband, she will try to maintain and fulfill all her promises, as a family is something terribly important. This is one of the things alluring for you – receive promises from your wife and expect her to fulfill them all (which a lot of modern women of the West will try to avoid).
- Friendship is one of the things that matter a lot. It is super easy to make casual friends in India. But it is significantly harder to make good friends, on a deeper level. So, when your Indian mail order bride is going to make friends to hundreds of people when she moves to your country, it means that she is just polite and open to an extent, which meets her personal expectations and goals. But, underneath that, she may have 1-3 real friends only. It will be important for you to become her friend in addition to being her husband – to significantly raise the level of mutual trust and understanding.
Why Indian girls are adored by men of the Western world
- The directness of thoughts and words. Indian brides online do not afraid to say what’s on their minds. This is not always a profitable thing (especially in the Western world, which is filled with half-tones, unsaid things, and outwardly respectful words when it comes to reaching your goals). But in your family (if you don’t allow your Indian wife to influence the public life of your family – yours and your children), such directness can be a good thing – she will tell you the truth, not things you wanna hear. Much truth in your relations is the best thing that can happen with a man, right?
- Beauty. We don’t have even the slightest doubts that on the given dating websites that we also consider in this article, you will find a beautiful Indian mail order bride. Indian girls are pretty and exotic and are to the liking of many men all over the world. If you don’t consider Indian mail order bride pretty – it means that an Indian is just not your choice. But if you think she is – then, your life is going to be spent with a lovely beautiful woman and having nice children-mulattos, which are going to be simply adorable. Swarthy skin does actually become an advantage in today’s modern world, as the 21st century is already reigned by people with mulatto skin. Yes, you are going to spend some dough on the beauty of your wife from India (including the skin creams to make her skin whiter, as she wants it, or even taking her to a beauty surgeon to whiten her skin dramatically). But the efforts that you apply will be returned to you tens of times more – in her appearance, nice attitude to you, and home coziness that she arranges in return.
- She loves new things so much that not taking a plastic cover from them is something that you have to get used to. The plastic on means that she is proud to have a new thing (a car, a laundry machine, a new TV remote control… Anything). Also, she is able to tell about this thing to her friends and relatives, underlining the fact of obtaining something new. Yes, this is a point of negotiation with your Indian spouse if you can’t tolerate the plastic cover for a year or longer – but you will also understand that it is so extremely easy to make her happy (and make her stay happy for a long time). This is not the addiction to new things; this is a deep joy because of it.
Awesome facts about Indian women
- Indians do not cherish business the same as Americans do. Americans walk very fast because they have things to do. Not Indians, who walk slow. It is not that Indians will not work or do business – it is more about enjoying life to a larger extent, as being busy all the time is not about enjoyment (why do you work if you do not enjoy life itself?). That’s what Indians think often.
- Rest and leisure are important to Indians. After work, it is so important to take rest in a good company. Mostly, the common and very widespread type of rest is chatting to other people about everything. An endless number of cups of tea can be drunk while chatting. Politics, culture, books, intellectual topics – everything is chatted around. It is possible in some company of friends at someone’s house, cafe, restaurant, and simply on the street. Food is also a part of such conversations.
- Food is specific. If you go to India itself, you should be surprised by what the local food tastes like. It is incredibly spicy. Some people outside India characterize it as ‘spices cooked in spices’. Curry is everywhere, along with peppers, salt, onions, garlic, and tens of other types of spices. Outside India, the food is adjusted to local tastes of people – to make it not so devilishly hot. When you cut down the entire spiciness from Indian food, the taste of it can be actually liked by you. It is composed of natural ingredients and, aside from spiciness, is healthy and delicious. With your future Indian mail order bride, you should deal with cooking so that food meets your taste preferences. Also, when combining local recipes that you got used to, with hers, you can achieve an interesting, unusual, yet very exciting result in taste.
Additional awesome facts you hellishly wanna know about Indian women
- Spirituality. Everything in Indian life is soaked with it. Any religion in India is about it. It is very important for Indians to keep up with their religious traditions, so they make a large part of their lives. Many people entertain themselves with religious rites and celebrations – especially in remote villages of the country. For your Indian mail order bride, religion will never go away from her life. This can be a good or bad thing – depending on how you treat religion. But it will definitely be interesting to you.
- Everything that cannot be achieved in this life can wait for another. This will seem odd for a person from the West but it is absolutely normal for a person from India. Karma, resurrection, and the eternal cycle of life are notions that inherent to the life of Indians, which means, to your Indian mail order bride, too. It teaches another treatment to things – acceptance of bad as inevitable on the cloth of life, milder reactions at faults, and akin. This adds much positivity to the life of people and teaches humbleness.
- Indians have very inventive minds (like many other nations that have a poor and unstable economy and low personal wealth per capita). They will invent things to ease up everyday life, business, work, and all other thinkable areas of life. In terms of sex, it works well, too – as your beautiful Indian woman can offer you to use something in your sex games, of which you weren’t thinking (like using sweet corn syrup instead of intimate grease or eating sushi from her groins).
Why Indian women are great mail order brides
- The bigger share of Indian people still lives in the countryside (with urban population making only 29% of the country). The country also has a super low immigration level (0.05 migrants for every 1,000 citizens, which is 0.005%). The biggest share of people dreams about going away, not staying here. So, it is highly possible that your wife is going to be out of an urban part of India – which means better health, closer to nature, and tastier cuisine. These are nice traits that every Westerner should obtain to make own life better and lasting longer.
- One of the reasons why Indian women want to migrate elsewhere is that there are more men in India than women (est. 8%). But that depends on age – the tendency is so in every age span below 65 y.o. Then, after 65, there are 5% over females than males – but 65 isn’t the age of trying to establish your life, isn’t it? So every young and mid-aged woman from India at least thinks about migrating – especially taking into account the low position of local women compared to men. They are ready to be much more humble and husband-caring if they are just taken away from this overpopulated country. So, with an average sex ratio of 1.08 (men to women) and 1.1 in ages under 15, it is hard for an ordinary modern girl to find a man (even if she tries harder – but in India, it is hard for a woman to try hard, as they are not really respected there and don’t have many rights outside of housekeeping).
Why men of the West choose girls from India for marriage?
- Even on work in the office, you will not be deprived of having a nice homemade dish, as your Indian mail order bride is going to put it into a plastic container. You won’t have to spend extra money on cafes or restaurants to eat well. The same goes for your children. This is the reason that plastic containers are always in your house – to take away food for various occasions. This actually saves the family budget, so you’ll get used to this tradition soon (as you get used to many small nice things that marriage with an Indian mail order bride brings you).
- She is constantly comparing herself to others. That is actually a good thing – as comparing self to others means mental, physical, and material growth. Striving to be better, like others, is something that makes life better. If you can achieve this – that’s great. If not – well, an Indian person postpones it for another life. But when it comes to beauty and general appearance – when your wife becomes better, it is only good for you. Encourage her in this and your life will evolve.
How to date Indian women?
There are many traditions of wooing and dating a girl from India. But they form thousands of nuances and subtleties that depend on her religion, social class, family level, and specific family traditions. One thing is for sure – nearly every family in India expects to receive nice money for a bride – especially from a man from the West. A family will not let a bride go to some other country for marriage without completing necessary rites. It means that you will have to visit her country to see your wife’s relatives and to give them dowry (which is often a matter of negotiations, which may take hours or even days of pure time to complete). If you play a wedding in India, it takes 1-3 days of ceremonies to complete and such an important husband of an Indian wife as a white man will be treated specially. Yet expect money to be asked from you on any occasion (and by a bunch of your new relatives). You can know what to expect in detail from your future wife – as it would be too long to describe all the details that you may encounter in India.
What you need to know about the traditions of Indian brides
- Indian brides for sale hate the sun! They are dark-skinned naturally but becoming swarthier terrifies any Indian below the age of old days. They are similar to Asians in this, as swarthy-skinned people are not considered beautiful (it is commonly believed that being under the sun is only the prerogative of the lowest class on the social ladder, while nobody wants to seem so). So do not be afraid if your Indian mail order bride does not share your passion for receiving sunbaths with you. She can perfectly find something other to her liking.
- Indian brides for marriage are good tellers – when there are grateful listeners. This is the main reason why they tell stories and fairytales so well. After you will have children, they are going to spend thousands of hours listening to fairytales from their mother (a lot of them will even be spoken by her without resorting to books, simply using her memory). Such a way of storytelling is better for kids, which can learn something new from a teller each time, even with the same story (as it is told in different words each time), which means they are going to grow and develop faster. Also, personal telling is better than reading a book because a teller will be able to explain something children don’t yet understand. This makes your Indian mail order bride a lovely choice to raise smarter children.
How an Indian wife different from one from the West?
- Despite being a part of the nation, which invented Kama Sutra, it is hard for Indian parents to talk about sex with their children. It means they are cleaner in this area than people of the West – pretty much often (and that what you do in your bedroom when children sleep will never leave the bedroom’s walls). But that also means that you, as a father coming from a white nation, have to think about talking to your children about it.
- Indian women stare at everything (the same as Indian men do). They are not trying to shame or offend you – they are simply naturally interested in things. And they won’t definitely recognize that they were staring. Sometimes, you have to prevent your future Indian wife from doing so, explaining why this is offensive and awkward for other people. But when she stares at you, you can play in the staring game – and the one who wins receives some yummy thing (you can come up with what exactly the prize is going to be).
Indian dating sites you should know to find your happiness
- Indian brides agency
Let’s now finally consider the dating sites that we name the best to reliably find Indian mail order brides. They all have similar indices and that’s why we are going to group all 4 sites when speaking about them:
- Over or around 2,000 girls online on these Indian women dating websites in any given time (it is much easier to start chatting to a woman online than to wait until someone goes online from those to whom you have written but they were offline)
- 83%+ reply rate (it means that 8-9 girls always reply to your chats and letters within some observable time period). When you know the reply rate, you feel more confident in the result of your actions on this or that legal website having a low cost
- 7.8 and higher (out of 10) user rating – which means that real users have estimated the websites and trust their quality of work, meet matches of women, user base, and admire the ease of working there (including the search for a match).